General Information
Instrument Rental
If your student needs to rent a school-owned instrument, please plan to do the following for the second day of school so we can start playing Music on day two:
School Instrument Rental Procedure
Complete Palm Beach County Instrument Rental/Loan Agreement (Form Download)
Enter required info including student name and number.
Read the middle section carefully. Instruments are expensive; you are accepting the terms of the agreement, including responsibility for maintaining the instrument and returning it in good working condition.
Parent AND student sign
Pay for the rental (if not currently listed on SchoolCash, we will notify you when its available)
Log into SchoolCash Online
Find Band Instrument Rental Fee
Pay for the total amount of time you plan to use this instrument. The cost is $27 per summer or semester per instrument. (Example: to rent an instrument for the school year, select the $54 “Payment in full” option)
Print the SchoolCash receipt, staple it to the signed Agreement, and submit to Mr. White. You will then be issued a school-owned instrument (pending availability). Do not loan your school-owned instrument to anyone as you are responsible for any/all damage to the instrument that may occur.
Did you already rent an instrument for the summer?
If yes, and you do not need it any longer, please return to school.
If yes, and you wish to keep the instrument, please pay through SchoolCash Online and submit the receipt to Mr. White.